Please select your desired Programming Language for Quiz :-
Q: What is a Assembler ?
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Programming Questions :-
Q: What is a Programming Language ?
A Programming Language is a set of Instructions designed to solve and implement real life problems and situations for the computer.
Q: What is a High level Programming language ?
A High level Programming Language uses english-like instructions for solving a problem or say for making a program. Such languages are not machine specific, which means a code written for one machine in a particular language will be executed in other machine using the same high level language. Example of High level languages are C, C++, Java, Python etc.
Q: What is a Low level Programming Language ?
A Low level Programming language is that which uses Machine language or binary language (language of 0's and 1's) instructions for solving a situation or say writing a program. Such languages are machine specific, which means a code written for one machine will only be executed in that particular machine not in any other machine using same language. Examples of low level language includes assembly language of Intel microprocessors.
Q: What is the difference between a High level language and a low level language ?
The difference in the High level and Low level language lies in the fact that High level languages are Compatible from machine to machine, which means a program written for one machine will be executed in another machine. High level languages uses English-like statements as instructions whereas Low level language uses binary language for instructions to machines.
Q: What is Assembly Language ?
Assembly Language is a low-level language in which instructions are given to the machines in English like words like - ADD, MOV, SUB, LDA etc. The translator used for converting Assembly Language into Machine or Binary Language is known as Assembler.
Q: How does a High level language is interpreted by a Machine ?
A Machine or Computer cannot understand a High level language directly as a Machine only can understand binary language, thus High level Languages are first converted to binary language through a software program called Translators.
Q: What is a Translator in programming ?
Translators are computer programs, which accepts a program written in high level or low-level language and coverts it into machine - understandable binary form of 0s and 1s.
Q: How many types of Translators are there in programming ?
There are 3 types of Translators used in programming for converting high level language to machine language :
(i) Assembler
(ii) Compiler
(iii) Interpreter
Q: What is a Assembler ?
An Assembler is a software program, which converts Assembly Language into Machine level language. Assembly Language is a low-level language in which instructions are given to the machines in English like words like - ADD, MOV, SUB, LDA etc.
Q: What is a Compiler ?
A Compiler is a software program, which converts the code of a high level language into machine or binary language. The high level program is known as source program and the corresponding machine language program is known as object program.
Q: What is an Interpreter ?
An Interpreter is a software program, which converts the code of a high level language into machine or binary language. Although both compilers and interpreters performs the same task but there is a slight difference between the two.
Q: What is the difference between a Compiler and an Interpreter ?
A Compiler converts a complete program into the machine or binary language and tells the user about errors if any Whereas, an Interpreter converts the high level code program line by line or statement by statement and after conversion of each statement it tells if there are errors in the code.
Q: How does a Code is Compiled ?
To understand how does a Code is Compiled, we must look how a compiler is made. A Compiler during its creation is supplied with the Instruction set for it's language. This Instruction set has the corresponding binary code for every statement in the language. Thus, a Compiler looks for this Instruction set while Compiling a Code.
Q: What does Compiling a Code means ?
Compiling a Code means converting a Program code into it's corresponding binary code as given in the Instruction set, which is stored in every compiler to guide it through all the conversion process.
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